Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Eyepet - Oakdale Infants Project Overview

Eyepet is a two week literacy plan to help cover fantasy settings in Year 1. It is usually completed in the autumn term and is planned to be very creative and to develop and extend the children’s imagination and use of descriptive language. There are strong cross curricular links to Art but there are also links to Design and technology and science. The children us the PS3 for about 20 Minutes if that throughout the whole project! The first thing we did was sit the whole year group down to watch the beginning sequence of the game. We asked them lots of questions around where were they?  Who was the man in the white coat? etc pausing the game each time to get the children’s responses. We let them watch up to the point where an egg is delivered and then turned the ps3 off. We went back to our classes and did a lot of work around the egg where is it from? What is inside it? How did it get here? We really focused on our question words and asked the children to write their questions on post it notes and place on large egg shaped paper. By the end of the 2 weeks the children had designed their own planets and eyepets, they had written stories and descriptions about the eyepet and its home planet and also created a detailed care plan for their eyepet including likes and dislikes and the best way to look after their eyepet.

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